
Seasonal, climatic and cultural reasons, among others, have always affected agricultural production constantly subjected to deadlines, possibilities and methods. The farmer has to maintain strict ordering of the tasks to do: there is a time for sowing and a time for harvesting.


The presence of a method -or by all means its absence- as a concept, cannot be an end in itself. Methodology has to be that valuable tool allowing us to apply knowledge in order to obtain and improve the results we seek. Achieving this must require that the procedure aids us to making progress in the search and elimination of error.


If we accept this, we must also accept that in agriculture, working in the without methodology means welcoming error. However, methods and techniques that worked in the past may not necessarily be effective today. Therefore, it is good practice to always review the work we do and how we do it, subject it to criticism and when appropriate, make modifications. The key lies in asking questions such as: what results will be obtained applying this or that method? Which one would be closer to being optimal?


At Sanides we strongly encourage efficient methods under the ideas just described:

  • We promote Conservation Tillage against decidedly conventional methods since it is in line with our motto

"doing more with less"

  • We work to improve soil structure while lowering costs.
  • We study the system of needs and conditions under which a crop grows in order to provide optimal nutritional resources.
  • We recommend and update procedures that serve best to managing weeds difficult to control.

We offer methods that with high probability will bring about improvements and aid our customers´ desires for growth.