
Sometimes we do not get the results we desire. There are many variables involved in agricultural production. They are interconnected and few of them under our control: we can irrigate the crops but we cannot make it rain...


When the result is not what we expected, at Sanides far from falling into despair we ask: what has failed? and why?, what are the weaknesses? and how can we correct them? With such an attitude we allow ourselves room for improvement. Indeed, even tough we have a solid background and expertise, analyzing errors and failure causes is of great help to overcoming any obstacle and achieving the desired goal.


This brings us back neatly to the first and second part focusing our work: knowledge and method. That is, the result -whatever it may be- yields at the very least some information which will allow us to adapt the method and thus make progress toward achieving the desired results.


The goal is to improve. We achieve it when results are good but crucially, by being intelligent, critical and tenacious, when result are not so good. We adapt and keep on going.


At Sanides obtaining good results for our customers is paramount to any other consideration. We subscribe to our customers´ objectives as if they were our own on the assurance that this is the best way to reach and retain the best farmers.

  • We favor the most efficient way for weed control against the need to sell a particular brand of herbicide.
  • We develop fertilization programs most suitable to the needs of our customers and we sell-or not- our products, depending on whether they are the best option.
  • We invest in areas that we consider key to achieving good results in agricultural production, as is the knowledge and development in Agricultural Soil Science. We do this not simply in order to sell more, but to help our customers optimizing their means and resources and increase their profits.

In short, we believe that any investment should be made in pursuit of benefits, albeit indirect ones. At Sanides we work hard to help farmers obtaining such benefits. We hope this will help promoting an exciting and motivating attitude in the endless search for best results.